Trauma and Mental Health



Trauma Informed Care

Going through very stressful, frightening or distressing events is often referred to as TRAUMA.

Traumatic events can happen at any age and can cause long-lasting harm. Everyone has a different reaction to trauma, so you might notice any effects quickly, or a long time afterwards. Understanding this area can be so complicated and is plagued by a lot of misinformation

As experts in this field Upskill having worked directly with 1000’s  of young people and trained 100’s of organisations working with clients affected by trauma.  We can tell you trauma can make you more vulnerable to developing mental health problems. It can also directly cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Asset 6

Inhouse Training

With flexible courses


Public Training

Study flexibly online

Some people use the term Adverse Childhood Experiences (also known as ACEs) to describe stressful or difficult experiences in childhood, including sexual, physical or emotional abuse or neglect. Research has shown links between these types of experiences and both physical and mental health problems. Some people misuse alcohol, drugs, or self-harm to cope with difficult memories and emotions. Depending on how you’re affected, trauma may cause difficulties in your daily life.

Trauma-informed care means understanding, anticipating, and responding to the issues, expectations, and special needs that a person who has been victimized may have. At a minimum, trauma-informed services seek to do no harm—to avoid retraumatizing or blaming clients for trying to manage their traumatic reactions. UpskillU’ bring a restorative approach to working with trauma and offer a range of services including;

Staff Training

Consultancy (Developing Trauma Informed Services)

Independent Clinical Supervision

Evaluation and Service Reviews

Study Strategy

Our Training Process

Get Edidence Of What You’ve Learned

Standards in leadership skills synergize optimal expertise rather than innovative leadership skills.

Easily Share Your Achievements

Standards in leadership skills synergize optimal expertise rather than innovative leadership skills.

Lead a Depending a Beautifull Life

Standards in leadership skills synergize optimal expertise rather than innovative leadership skills.

0 +
Successfully Trained
0 +
Classes Completed
0 +
Satisfaction Rate
0 +
Success Rate
about_1_2 6 1
Total Trainers and Mentors
student_1_1 6 1
student_1_2 6 1
student_1_3 6 1
student_1_4 6 1

Why Us

About UpskillU

Synergistically visualize alternative content before cross functional core Rapidiously administra standardized value via focused benefits. Rapidiously redefine highly efficient niche markets with plug-and-play materials professionally seize client centric solutions

  • Competitive Rates

    Seamlessly envisioneer tactical data through services.

  • Online Certificates

    Seamlessly envisioneer tactical data through services.

Study Strategy

Our Training Process


Equality And Diversity

Lesson 0 Students 0

Team Building

Lesson 0 Students 0

Train The Trainer

Lesson 0 Students 0

Frequently Asked Questions

We combine Behaviour Science such as NLP, Mental Skill Training and DISC Profiling with Strength Based, Trauma Informed and other therapeutic approaches to create a set of experiences, tool and methods affect attitudes thinking and

UpskillU work with directly with vulnerable people, communities as well as with the organisations supporting them.

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